Religious Education/ Faith Formation
Our parents, families and extended families are the first teachers (Catechist) of your child(ren)'s faith. Your daily life experiences and how you handle situations can send messages on your values and morals as an individual and as a family member. Your love is your child(ren)'s first taste of Jesus' love for them.
We invite you to allow us to add to your child(ren)’s education in a more formal setting with our Religious Education Program. We have a dedicated team of volunteer Catechists (teachers of the faith) willing to share their time to enrich your child(ren)’s life with scripture, lesson plans & prayer.
Our calendar year usually begins in September and comes to a close in April.
We offer Catechesis of the Good Shepherd to preschoolers (Ages 3-6- includes 1st grade) on Sunday mornings from 9:45 AM- 11:00 AM in the Parish Center. It is a Montessori based program where your child(ren) will be introduced to bible stories and church teachings by interactive learning. The Catechist of the Good Shepherd meeting times will follow the same meeting schedule as Grades 2-6.
Children in grades 2-6 meet in the Parish Center weekly (according to the calendar) from September - April on Sunday mornings from 9:45- 11:00 AM and families are encouraged to attend the 11:15 AM Mass to join with our church family in the celebration and thanksgiving of the Eucharistic feast.
Children in grades 7-10 meet in the Parish Center weekly (according to the calendar) from September- April on Monday evenings from 7:00- 8:15 PM.
Confirmation candidates (usually 10th grade) meet weekly on Monday evenings and have some additional classes throughout the calendar year. Candidates are confirmed in the Spring.
Children who are preparing to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion (usually in the 2nd grade in the Spring) attend weekly Sunday morning classes with additional classes throughout the year.
Check out what is happening on the Diocesean level: See the link below!
Ascend for young adults (ages 18-39)is an evening of praise and Eucharistic Adoration normally held on the first Friday of the month. (All participants are required to social distance- unless from the same household and wear masks)
Teens & Young Adults (18- 39 years young) check out what is happening in the Diocese
At different times throughout the year, we offer faith enrichment programs in the Parish Center. Visit our website and check our bulletins for announcements of when these programs are occurring.